A City of Shining Stars
We’re building a city full of superheroes with Jeff Stormer (Party of One, All My Fantasy Children, Anyone Can Wear the Mask) using Aaron Lim’s A City of Shining Stars.
A City of Shining Stars is a world-building game that uses a deck of cards to prompt everyday and superheroic events about a growing roster of a city’s residents. Since we already have New Arcadia, this run has us exploring an alternate universe version, New Olympia. Come here about the Golden Age of this canyon-filled, patty melt—obsessed city.
Jeff Stormer (he/him, @jeffstormer.gobirds.online)
Stephanie Burt (she/her, @accommodatingly/@accommodatingly@zirk.us)
Fiona Hopkins (she/her, @fionawh.im/@fionawhim@dice.camp)